What is the ‘Professional Options Trading Masterclass’ course? (POTM)
Why Did I Do It?
Is it actually worth the money?
What is the POTM?
The POTM is the options trading course put out by ITPM. It’s not a small course, but its nowhere near as big as the PTM. Nonetheless, the information is very good, and without it, you would probably be lost in the weeds.
It destroys the myths about options trading, and unlike the IPLT and the PTM, actually presents information that is SIMPLER than free info out there. You’ll understand why when you watch the course, but this is the main takeaway: it make options easy and engaging to learn, which cannot be said for most ‘options education’.
The course content covers the main strategies, and more importantly, why some strategies should and shouldn’t be taught. Its straightforward no-BS education in options trading.

Why Did I Do It?
I bought this course along with the PTM and I knew that it would complete my trading. I started the POTM immediately after I passed the PTM exam (the same day). So they were done back-to-back. I recommend that you do the same.
The fact is, I can’t imagine learning all the info in the PTM, but then when it comes time to actually trade, only having 2 choices: trade stocks or CFDs. I knew that I needed to complete my knowledge, and options opens up a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to trading – specifically in controlling risk.
I actually think that just doing the PTM and stopping there is a waste of money. If you’re going to invest so much time in learning so much new information, just do it properly, and fully. The POTM is essential if you want to structure trades, boost your profitability, and control your risk properly.
This also is why the POTM is the other prerequisite to becoming an institute trader at ITPM – its just essential knowledge that all traders should have.
Is it actually worth the money?
As you can probably guess, my answer is yes.
But… WARNING: without the knowledge contained in the PTM course, this POTM course is less worthwhile. If you already have a professional trading process, complete your knowledge with options trading. But if not, you should definitely do the PTM course first.
The reason for this is simple: options knowledge is wasted on someone who has no real process. And this is why most options trading out there is useless. It’s just a way for retail traders to access more leverage – and that’s absolutely not the right reason to trade options. Options are a tool. If you’re skilled with the tool, you can do amazing things with it. But if you’re just looking for a ‘quick fix’, this tool will be wasted on you.
Crucially, the course will teach you – quantifiably – when is the right and wrong time to trade options. And there are plenty of wrong times to trade options. This is information that you just have to know, if you want to be a trader working at a pro level.
The other problem with free information is that there’s always an inherent conflict of interest, which this course teaches you about too.
I want to finish this review by talking about intellectual honesty. Money does crazy things to people. There’s a lot of denial in the retail trading world. There’s A LOT of people who call themselves ‘educators’ who 1) have ZERO professional trading experience, or 2) have ZERO statistically relevant track record.
Then there’s SO MANY retail traders who aren’t honest about how much they’re losing. The majority of retail traders lose money – that’s a fact. But the way people talk online, you wouldn’t think it. The average YouTube ‘educator’ or ‘trading guru’ has lots of positive comments – these are from people who either have fleeting success, or are genuinely in denial about the effectiveness of what they’re actually doing.
So the whole situation is a mess: one side is giving disingenuous information, and the other side refuses to be believe that there’s anything better.
The reason why ITPM stands out is that it requires you – the retail trader – to question the vast majority of free info out there. So these courses aren’t for people who want to get rich quick, or who want a copy trading service – they’re for people who want to be financially self-sufficient for life. This breeds a community of self-starters, and the whole thing is very healthy.
So I can’t recommend these courses enough to people who want to be self-starters, who are prepared to put in the work.